Page 42 - LSR vuosikertomus 2020
P. 42

Optimising the Next Generation
Renewable Fuel Supply Chains for
Resilient and Sustainable Operations

Tulevaisuuskestävä ympäristö 30 000 €

Hossein Mostafaei, PhD
Matematiikan ja systeeminalyysin laitos



  ”Despite being      Despite being a promising key player in the decarbonisation pathway
  a promising key     laid out in the Paris agreement, the production of renewable diesel
  player in the       still faces several challenges that curb its wider spread development. Bio-
  decarbonisation     and renewable fuels have a remarkable potential of being one of the
  pathway laid        central elements in the decarbonisation of the transportation section.
  out in the Paris    In general, biofuels refer to traditional fatty acid methyl esters (FAME)-based
  agreement,          road transportation diesel produced from vegetable oils and residual fat
  the production      and/or waste and renewable fuels refer to jet and marine (bunker) fuel,
  of renewable        propane, ethanol and diesel that are produced (partially or entirely) from
  diesel still faces  organic matter such as vegetable oils and residual fat and/or waste using
  several challenges  hydrotreating processes. Among these, bio- and renewable diesel is the
  that curb its       most disseminated, being already widely used all over the world. In the
  wider spread        European Union, bio- and renewable diesel accounts for approximately
  development.”       93 % of all renewable energy used for transportation in 2018.
                      To remain competitive and achieve a sustainable profitability, companies
42                    operating renewable fuel supply chains are required to operate at highly
                      optimised settings. Small marginal cost reductions can represent consi-
                      derable savings given the typical large-scale of the refinery operations.
                      However, achieving and retaining optimal operation levels is virtually im-
                      possible without taking into account the uncertainty embedded in these
                      uncertain factors.
                      In this project, we will construct state-of-the-art mathematical model-
                      ling methods, developing a data-driven robust optimisation model that
                      can be employed to support decision making in renewable fuel supply
                      chain (RFSC) management. This model will be capable of identifying
                      cost-efficient RFSC designs that are optimised focusing on minimising
                      operational costs and satisfy robustness requirements in terms of biomass
                      supply security risks. We anticipate that the outcomes of this project will
                      aggregate significant value to planning activities of oil refining companies
                      producing renewable fuels (e.g., Neste) and provide substantial improve-
                      ments to their supply chain overall performance, thereby contributing to
                      the decarbonisation of the transportation sector.
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