Page 45 - LSR vuosikertomus 2020
P. 45


      Non-profit Organizations and
    Emerging Ecosystem for Textile
Reuse and Recycling in the Nordics

         Tulevaisuuskestävä ympäristö 23 000 €

                                           Anna Zhuravleva, MSc (econ)
                                           Hanken School Of Economics
                           Marketing, SCM and Social Responsibility


The EU member states are obligated to implement separate colle-       ”Not many think
ction of textile waste by the year 2025. Finland aims at implemen-      of NPOs as the
ting the regulation in advance of the schedule, by the year 2023.      largest collectors
In this doctoral study, the change is studied from the perspective          and resellers
of non-profit organizations (NPOs). Not many think of NPOs as          of used textiles.”
the largest collectors and resellers of used textiles worldwide. The
primary purpose which these organizations pursue in their reuse
activities is fund generation for sustainable development, such
as accessibility of education, agriculture and energy security, and
mitigating gender inequality.
NPOs have also attempted to establish new, untypical relation-
ships with companies related to textile recycling. These attempts
made them join in an ecosystem for textile reuse and recycling.
Taking the NPO’s perspective, the sudy explores partnership
attempts, tensions, and coopetition for obtaining different frac-
tions of post-use textile between different actors of the business
ecosystem, for instance, public waste management companies,
non-profits and private textile collectors. In the bigger picture,
the study contributes to sustainable development in Finland by
expanding our practical and theoretical understanding on textile
waste management, and partnership for sustainability.

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