Page 74 - LSR vuosikertomus 2020
P. 74

KTM Petri Vilén 	                           8 000 €     MSc (Tech) Markus Philipp Zimmer 	 6 000 €
How and why innovative SMEs can benefit                 Digital Transformation of an Incumbent
from participating in open innovation contests?,        Organisation: How Organisational Activities
Erkki Sunin rahastosta                                  Enact Digital Transformation

MA Sofia Villo 	                            23 000 €
Environmental governance in emerging                    VÄITÖSKIRJAN JÄLKEINEN TUTKIMUS
markets: insights from the Russian
state-managed network capitalism                        KTT Päivi Aaltonen 	                     10 000 €
                                                        A study on increasing exaptive innovation
DI Ghita Wallin 	                           23 000 €    in managerial decision-making to improve
The Finnish Gaming Miracle – Explicating                global scalability and sustainable repurposing
the Ecosystem Logic Behind Decades of Success           of resources

MSc (Econ) Pirta Wentzel 	                  23 000 €    PhD Mohamadali Ahi 	                     30 000 €
Money and power in innovation:                          Industry 4.0: A trigger technology towards
how finance and governance shapes                       environmentally sustainable international business?
companies’ resource allocation to
new business development                                DSc (Econ) Majid Aleem 	                 30 000 €
                                                        Leadership and Psychological Safety
MSc (Tech) Chia-Fang Wu 	                   15 000 €    in Virtual Work Environments
The role of social media in the coping
strategies of self-employed entrepreneurs               DSc (Econ) Irfan Ameer 	                 22 000 €
and small businesses in Finland amid                    Detection and prevention of corruption in
pandemics and post-pandemic                             developing country markets: A collaborative
                                                        role of multinational companies
MSc (Econ) Peng Xu 	                        23 000 €
Robust Data-Driven Optimization:                        DI Linda Annala 	                        10 000 €
Modeling Incomplete Information                         The global thirst for governing water –
on Scenario Probabilities and Risk Preferences          Technologies, innovations and drinking
                                                        water governance in Ethiopia and India,
MSc (Econ) Habeeb Yahya 	                   23 000 €    Kaarlo ja Toivo Kankaan rahastosta
Finding optimal trade-off between
liquidity and corporate governance                      DSc (Econ) Johanna Arantola-Hattab 	10 000 €
in the context of insider trading                       Sosiaalisten konfliktien välttäminen
                                                        kehitysmaihin kohdistuvissa yrittäjyyttä
MA Marianne Ylilehto 	                      10 000 €    tukevissa hankkeissa
Vähittäiskaupan innovatiivisten teknologioiden
vaikutus asiakaskokemukseen                             Terveystieteiden maisteri Eeva Aromaa 	30 000 €
                                                        Making sense of the transition from
DI Marjoriikka Ylisiurua 	                  23 000 €    startup to scalable business,
Finding mechanisms of falling consumer                  Katri ja Lenni Hongan rahastosta
interest in massive online discussion data
                                                        PhD Usama Awan	                          44 000 €
MSc (Econ) Anna Zhuravleva 	                23 000 €    Organisaation kyvykkyyksien tunnistaminen
Non-profit organizations and emerging business          liiketoimintamallia uudistettaessa
ecosystem for textile reuse and recycling in the        kiertotalouteen perustuen,
Nordics, Valioasu Oy:n rahastosta 20 500 euroa          Duquesne University (Pittsburgh),
ja Alwar Niklanderin rahastosta 2 500 euroa             Säätiöiden post doc -poolin kauden
(Kiertotalous ja kestävä kehitys -määrätarkoituspooli)  2019–21 sitoumuksesta

   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79