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Photo: Sergey Bogomyako
Timo Meuronen is an architect who has worked as a This beautiful reflection represents the double shape of the Oslo model facade systems. The water from the lake Clean nature, greenness, nearness of the sea and
chief design engineer of P-Hämppi. The parking cave, flows down from the mountains through the Loelva River into the Nordfjorden. As a land of over 1,000 fjords, peaceful sights provide boundless opportunities to
situated in Tampere, has won the European EPA parking Norway has a management system whose purpose is to protect and if necessary improve environmental status relax and enjoy the nature of Helsinki. Distances from
award as well as an award for its lighting. Currently in all rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and coastal waters. the lively city centre to quiet nature are short since the
Meuronen is designing campuses for Tampere and Finnish capital has plenty of magnificent nature sights.
Kuopio universities as well as Tampere Central Deck and The city has 300 islands which are part of Helsinki’s
Arena in cooperation with Studio Daniel Libeskind. nature along with crags, forests and ponds full of
Some 55,000 Swedes cast their votes in an election to Denmark Gardens and City Hall The Nordic countries are famous for their nature and
determine the country’s national bird in 2015. In the As early as 1297, the Danish King Erik Menved prohibited cleanliness. Wild strawberries, blueberries, raspberries,
election people chose the blackbird as the winner Denmark is the happiest country in the world according the felling of trees on three islands near Tallinn. This was lingonberries and cloudberries are only a few examples
over the raven, sea eagle, magpie and blue tit. The to the World Happiness Report commissioned by the the first dated act of nature conservation in Estonia. of berries that can be picked straight from nature. So-
original poll had 40 different species. The blackbird was United Nations. The country’s capital Copenhagen has National parks and conservation areas cover almost 20% called freedom to roam allows access to mushrooms
also voted the national bird in 1962 but the Swedish many parks and gardens for relaxing, sunbathing and of Estonia’s area. The country’s nature has many faces and other forest treats as well. Ice swimming is popular
Ornithological Society decided to redo the vote fearing picnicking. The city has one of the world’s most with deserted beaches, dense forests, picturesque lakes in Nordic countries during the winter season, when the
that the win came as a result of most votes being cast dedicated bike cultures. In fact, Copenhagen has and rivers as well as mysterious swamps. water is frozen over.
in Stockholm. more bicycles than people!
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