Page 50 - Purso_Napsu_Design
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                                 Purso Building Systems products are now available in            ONLY 5%
                                 recycled aluminium. Purso is among the first aluminium          Recycling reduces the use of natural resources and consumes only 5% of the energy required to make the
                                 manufacturers in the world to create a separate product line    same amount of aluminium from its original source (primary aluminium).
                                 for recycled aluminium – Purso Greenline.
                                                                                                 RECYCLED ALUMINIUM RETAINS ITS QUALITY
                                 CERTIFICATE OF PROOF                                            Energy saving, recyclability and environmental values tell that the customer is acting responsibly in their own
                                 The customer receives a Purso Greenline certificate to          operations. In addition, using 100% recycled material improves the customer’s own recycling rate. As a durable
                                 guarantee that the product is made of recycled aluminium        product aluminium is an excellent material for recycling since it retains its quality. Aluminium is also easily
                                 from start to finish. Thanks to an individual smelting number,  maintained, light and corrosion resistant material.
                                 the product phases in the supply chain can be traced all the
                                 way back to the smelting plant. The customer receives all
                                 these documents. The certificate can be used in the custom-
                                 er’s own marketing.

NAPSU facade systems: Greenline
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