Page 85 - LSR vuosikertomus 2019
P. 85
DI Hanna Timonen 950 € M.Sc. (Eco. & Bus. Adm.) Jialei Yang 2 000 €
Conference. Investigating role tensions in sales Conference. Dynamics in collaboration for
interaction appropriating value in multi-actor networks
and healthcare ecosystems
VTT Timo V. Toivonen 2 500 €
International comparison of time use of DSc (Econ) Man Yang 2 500 €
entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs’ regulatory focus and firm strategic
KTT Linda Turunen 1 500 €
Konferenssimatka, Monaco Symposium on MSc (Econ) Sara Yasar 2 500 €
Luxury 2020 Bank Liquidity Creation and Technological
MSc (Social Sciences) Maria Törhönen 2 500 €
The YouTube generation: The transformation KTT Sari Yli-Kauhaluoma 1 500 €
of media content production and landscape 4S/EASST Conference 2020
KTT Timo-Pekka Uotila 1 500 € Post-Doc Afnan Zafar 2 000 €
Perceptions on corporate-startup collaboration Conference. Next-Generation Intrapreneurship
and Organizational Innovation Capability
MSc (Econ) Hannes Velt 2 500 €
Conference. Who is Who? The bibliographic MSc (Econ) Xun Zhou 1 500 €
mapping of entrepreneurial ecosystem phenomenon Assessment of Sustainable Development Goals in
Consumption: Trade-offs between Sustainability
MSc (Econ) Rubén Vicente Sáez 1 500 € and Amenity
Conference. Open Science and Innovation
at the University in the Digital Era TUTKIMUSVIERAILU TAI MUU
PhD Denise Villikka 1 500 € PhD Marina Biniari 8 000 €
Exploring elder care consumption and provision
(technology-digitalization/AI/VR) within Developing and maintaining an “entrepreneur”
role-identity in the start-up and corporate contexts,
healthcare, Orion-yhtymä Oy:n Farmos-rahastosta Huugo ja Vilma Oksasen rahastosta
FM Milka Väinämö 1 500 € DSc (Econ) Jie Chen 12 000 €
Temporal construction of brand experience
in the context of public healthcare services Who are we? Reimmigrant entrepreneurs or
immigrant entrepreneurs – A comparative
multiple case study of Ingrian Finnish entrepre-
Hallintotieteiden lisensiaatti, väitöskirjatutkija neurs in Russia who returned from Finland and
Katariina Välikangas 1 500 €
Impact > Mobility 2020 Conference, Amsterdam Japanese Brazilian entrepreneurs in Brazil who
returned from Japan, Huugo ja Vilma Oksasen
TkT Marina Weck 2 000 €
Älykäs ekosysteemi senioritaloudessa:
hyvinvoinnin ja mielekkään asumisen edistäminen KT, Kotitalouden maisteri, kokki
Vesa Heikkinen 3 000 €
Opinto- ja aineistonkeruumatkat Montreal
KTT Hely Westerholm ja Polytechniciin ja Tanskan robottihubiin, tutkimus-
Pirjo Takanen-Körperich 2 000 €
Konferessimatka ja -esitys: How are seniors aineiston keruu, esikartoitus EMOTICS-hanketta
sekä palvelurobotiikka-oppimateriaalipakettia
capable to cope with the world of digi natives? varten sekä asiantuntija-artikkelien aineistonkeruu,
SKO - Suomen kauppa- ja kulttuuriopettajat ry:n
Juhlarahastosta 1 000 €