Page 84 - LSR vuosikertomus 2019
P. 84


D.Sc (Food Sciences) Bamidele Raheem 	2 000 €         MS Shah Rukh Shakeel 	                    2 500 €
NEPAD) / Southern Africa Network for                  Conference. The role of personal and organizational
Biosciences (SANBio) 2020 Annual event                factors in shaping academics’ propensity to
                                                      engagement in collaboration and
Arafat Rahman 	                            2 500 €    commercialization of academic research
Conference. Customer responses when a product
fails: An examination of the role of perceived        KTT Henrik Sievers 	                      2 500 €
employee competence in service encounters             Conference. Dominant design platforms – new
                                                      industry creation in User Generated video Content
KTT Pinja Raitasuo 	                       2 000 €    implemented with Artificial Intelligence
Conference, Energy-Efficient Freight Transportation,
External pressures and Company Performance,           KTM Esko Sorakunnas 	                     1 500 €
Huugo ja Vilma Oksasen rahastosta                     Kansallispuistojen merkitys ja arvo virkistys-
                                                      käytölle jokamiehenoikeuskulttuurissa
KTM Riku Reunamäki 	                       2 000 €    -tutkimukseen liittyvä konferenssimatka,
Academy of International Business -konferenssi,       Huugo ja Vilma Oksasen rahastosta
Hongkong, Huugo ja Vilma Oksasen rahastosta
                                                      MSc (Econ) Muhammad Sufyan 	              2 500 €
KTT Matti Rossi 	                          2 000 €    Conference. International Opportunity
Conference, Integration to Digital Platforms          Development among Diaspora International
and infrastructures minitrack at HICSS                New Ventures, Pakistani diaspora entrepreneurs
                                                      in IT Industry of Nordic countries,
PhD Sanna Ruhalahti 	                      2 500 €    Huugo ja Vilma Oksasen rahastosta
Digiloikista kohti syväoppimista
                                                      KTT Jarno Suni 	                          1 500 €
TM Riitta Rönnqvist 	                      2 500 €    Konferenssimatka, Tourism Naturally 2020
Irtisanottujen kokemukset tukiohjelmassa,
konferenssimatka                                      MSc (Econ) Sazzad Hossain Talukder 	 2 500 €
                                                      The role of decision-makers’ language skills in
PhD Mohsen Saadatmand 	                    1 300 €    bridging knowledge sharing within and outside
Conference Applying Digital Game-Based                international SMEs
Learning for STEAM Education and Sustainable
Development in Early Childhood                        TkT Pia Tamminen 	                        2 500 €
                                                      Conference. Possibility-driven Design in Smart
KTT Jani Saastamoinen 	                    2 500 €    Silver Ecosystem, Huugo ja Vilma Oksasen
Conference The Determinants of CEO Tenure             rahastosta

KTM Emma Sandstrom 	                       2 200 €    Tampere University 	                      8 000 €
Emotional ambivalence in refugee aid work             Funding support to the 18th International
                                                      Triple Helix Conference 2020
DSc (Econ) Khuram Shahzad 	                2 500 €
Conference. Dynamics of Blockchain in respect         KTM Suvituulia Taponen 	                  2 000 €
of innovation. RQ: How blockchain has emerged         Osallistuminen vuosittaiseen IPSERA
on the surface of digital innovation, and What        -konferenssiin
are the potentials links blockchain can have with
innovation processes?                                 DSc (Econ) Jose Teixeira 	                1 400 €
                                                      Conference Collaboration among competitors
                                                      in the open-source arena

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