Page 77 - LSR vuosikertomus 2019
P. 77


MTT Jaana Korhonen	                        53 000 €  PhD Reza Movarrei 	                      30 000 €
Metsäalan uusiutuminen ja kestävyysmurros,           Improving quality of life with gamified
Säätiöiden post doc -poolin kolmivuotiskauden        internet of things (gamified-IoT);
2019–2021 sitoumuksesta                              addressing ethical and psychological issues

DSc (Econ) Mariia Kozlova 	                30 000 €  DSc (Econ) Farooq Mubarak 	              30 000 €
In search for sustainable support systems for        Productivity and wellbeing in knowledge work:
renewable energy                                     From exlusion to inclusion

KTM Mikaela Krohn 	                        21 000 €  DSc (Econ) Jonathan van Mumford	 47 000 €
Post-doctoral research on the development and        ”How commitments among entrepreneurial
modification of AI technologies and algorithmic      individuals and stakeholders create new
decision making                                      cross-border markets” (Wilfrid Laurier University),
                                                     Säätiöiden post doc-poolin kolmivuotiskauden
TkT Leena Kunttu 	                         15 000 €  2019–2021 sitoumuksesta
Collaborative practices in open innovation
networks – Innovation commercialization              DSc (Econ) Mekhail Mustak 	              10 000 €
through stakeholder involvement                      Renewing Service Sales and Value Co-creation
                                                     in Business-to-Business Markets to Increase
KTM Sonja Lahtinen 	                       12 000 €  Profitability and Competitive Advantage
Enabling niche-regime interaction: Incumbent and
newcomer companies driving business sustainability   KTT Jenni Myllykoski 	                       5 000 €
transitions, Maila ja Sampo Tonin rahastosta         Strategiatyö jatkuvassa muutoksessa

Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen                     MSc (Tech) Meeri Mäkäräinen	             28 000 €
yliopisto LUT 	                            15 000 €  OiOi Collective Oy:ssä tapahtuvaan
Alustatalouden ohituskaistat,                        tutkimushankkeeseen ”Fostering Children’s
Erkki Sunin rahastosta                               Social and Emotional Learning with Smart Space
                                                     Applications”, PoDoCo-ohjelma 2019
DSc (Econ) Harri Lorentz ja Sini Laari	 6 000 €
Assessing the readiness of individuals for           FT, VTM Tuomas Möttönen 	                15 000 €
information processing in the context of             Suomalaiset yrittäjät 1800-luvulta 2000-luvulle,
procurement digitalization                           Vänrikki Armas Wilhelm Paloheimon rahastosta

LUT University 	                           5 000 € KTM Heli Nissilä 	                         21 000 €
Customer-adapted services in the renewable energy Temporality and hybrid organizing in the face
value chain, Maisteri A Brofeldtin rahastosta        of complex sustainability challenges

DI Eija Meriläinen 	                       21 000 €  MSc (Econ) Olga Novikova 	               10 000 €
Rights to/of the forest in climate change related    The platform economy and its potential in
disaster governance in the Barents region            the non-urban environments

KTT Antti Miihkinen 	                      12 500 €  DSc (Econ) Sunday Adewale Olaleye 	 30 000 €
Empirical Evidence on the Consequences of            The Impact of Big Data on Finnish SMEs
Voluntary Disclosure on Competition. Yrityksen       Renewal: A study of Data Economy with
kilpailusta tiedottamisen taloudelliset vaikutukset  the applications of Artificial Intelligence
sijoittajien näkökulmasta, Kauppaneuvos
Leo Jouhkin rahastosta

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